The buzz in the photography industry is always with editing. Do you edit your own images? I get asked this question from almost every bride I meet with. I also get asked from families or seniors that book as well. My answer is always: YES! I edit EVERY-SINGLE-IMAGE! I have learned that as a business grows, changes need to be made. I have heard from fellow photographer friends and those that are huge in the industry that sending out your photos is the way to go! Let someone else take time off of your hands and edit the images for you! I was never on board, until lately…..I thought to myself I could be doing more blogging, more creativity time, more booking, more shooting! What am I waiting for?? So, I did just that….I sent out my first 10 images to a company to have them edit them for me! I had to get an idea of what all of this was about. After getting my first 10 images sent back to me when the post processing was finished, I had to think again about sending out my images…….and this my friends is why.
Take a look at these 3 images.
SOOC -unedited RAW image-
Edited by a Company
Edited by Jennifer Soots
This post has nothing to do with bashing a company and their editing skills…it has to do with why I choose to edit my own images. By sending out my images, I feel I am not finishing my work as a photographer. The way my photos were edited by someone else did not reflect the way my images are usually edited. When someone hires me for the images they see online, this means they are seeing the images that I take & edit. If I photographed a wedding and in return clients received images edited by someone else, they would not be getting the same ending result as they were possibly expecting.
So, at this time, I will continue spending hours at my computer editing images to keep my clients happy with the end result of their session. If I can locate a company that learns my exact editing technique, then that may change. But for now, I will keep doing what I do, even if I edit more than I am behind the camera. Someday I will figure this whole business thing out 😀
Until then….ENJOY those edited images friends!
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