I would be lying if I said this couple was anything but amazing! They are the couple you meet and just fall in love with after the first few minutes. The couple you want to squeeze {and believe me I love squeeze hugs} and thank for being not just wonderful, but inspiring! Cynthia & Kevin understand the true meaning of love and being in love. Their words and thoughts about each other are incredibly inspiring and heartwarming. They truly make my heart melt the way they feel for one another & the best part about all of this is I get to witness it and be there for the best day of their lives! BAM! Be jealous…be very jealous because this so called job of mine allows me to witness love first hand and capture images that can never be captured again. Cynthia & Kevin are a true image of what real love is all about! I can’t wait to get to know them even better and spend the day with them this September!
*They are so easily photographed as well….I just love them*
In the meantime, enjoy their Eshoot and leave them some love 🙂
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